The Emergence of Proactive User Interfaces

Frederik Goossens
6 min readJan 26, 2023
Screen-less Smart Speaker.

For this article, I’d like to note that I will be referring to Sonic User Interfaces instead of Voice User Interfaces since a notification or alarm sound is not a voice experience. An interface without a screen, for example, is limited to voice, as well as certain sounds.

Back in 2018, I wrote a guide on how to design a VUI. Five years later, VUIs are more relevant and incorporated into user experience designs than ever before. Assistants are heavily being developed as there is a general belief that voice and particular sounds will become a key element when it comes to UX. Furthermore, assistants are moving from providing principally request-based assistance to more proactive assistance.

Smart Fridge Using an SUI.

Designing SUIs Requires a Different Process From Designing Traditional VUIs

A Smart Sonic User Interface relies on Artificial Intelligence. These systems learn from parsing the web while studying the user’s needs and wants. This creates both new challenges and opportunities for designers. As these new technologies are being implemented, designers are required to gain a solid understanding of these technologies and…

