The Emergence of Proactive User Interfaces

Frederik Goossens, MBA
6 min readJan 26, 2023


Screen-less Smart Speaker.

For this article, I’d like to note that I will be referring to Sonic User Interfaces instead of Voice User Interfaces since a notification or alarm sound is not a voice experience. An interface without a screen, for example, is limited to voice, as well as certain sounds.

Back in 2018, I wrote a guide on how to design a VUI. Five years later, VUIs are more relevant and incorporated into user experience designs than ever before. Assistants are heavily being developed as there is a general belief that voice and particular sounds will become a key element when it comes to UX. Furthermore, assistants are moving from providing principally request-based assistance to more proactive assistance.

Smart Fridge Using an SUI.

Designing SUIs Requires a Different Process From Designing Traditional VUIs

A Smart Sonic User Interface relies on Artificial Intelligence. These systems learn from parsing the web while studying the user’s needs and wants. This creates both new challenges and opportunities for designers. As these new technologies are being implemented, designers are required to gain a solid understanding of these technologies and leverage it to produce a better experience.

Let’s Start With A Simple Example

Although I rarely drive, I tend to be impressed by BMW’s innovative UX. There is almost no need to look at the dashboard: crucial information is shown on the windshield, called head-on display, and rather than having the driver searching for buttons, they implemented physical controllers the driver can easily recognize by touching the shape in order to adjust certain settings while driving.

Interactive Head-On Display While Driving.

This is not exactly an example of an SUI, except for GPS systems, it shows the importance of UX design outside of digital. Let’s also be careful by using the term service design, which has the objective to creative services beyond digital.

In the end, it’s still designing a user experience, and be careful when hiring a self-proclaimed service designer. Often it’s an attempt to achieve a higher role and better-paid role than a UX designer. My advice, grill service designers during the application process.

Let’s Talk SUIs

So how about SUIs? Let’s say that if you leave a smart fridge open for too long, it will trigger a sound to alert the user to close the fridge. This is a fairly simple example of an SUI. The user didn’t ask anything or initiate a conversation, instead, the fridge informs the user based on time and temperature. Furthermore, the fridge could be programmed to briefly explain to the user that the door has to be closed and explain why as well.

This could become overwhelming. Nonetheless, this would be ideal for onboarding processes in the physical world. Something that is missing today.

Of course, a sound to notify the user is nothing new. Remember the kettle that blows a harp when the water is boiled? Simple, yet genius, and in a way an analog pioneer of an SUI.

Kettle Alerting the User Through a Harp.

This shows that SUIs are far from new, however, ChatGPT will be a game-changer, which we will discuss later in this article.

The Evolution of SUIs

Think smart devices: alarm systems or even coffee machines. A key element of a modern SUI is that it is not triggered by the user per se, even though the user still controls the device. Rather, it learns what the user wants and expects.

These smart devices and contemporary SUIs are powered by AI that basically has the ability to imitate human behavior.

The Spectrum of Design

We described complex technologies. However, as with every new technology, there is a process to make it accessible for users in different situations and settings.

Design consists of many specialties, generally ranging from research to execution. When we think about GUIs, execution would be the final visual design. This also brings us to a common misconception about design being a visual skill only, while it is an ever-expanding field that stretches beyond graphic design.

Identifying the Opportunity or Problem Statement

Imagine designing a smart kitchen. Although certain kitchens tend to be well organized, there is always room for improvement in this particular setting.

Let’s take a smart kitchen as an example where the user tells his or her smart oven to heat up a meal, where the oven could ask what type of meat, measure it, and so on. The opportunity here is optimizing the experience of cooking by vocally interacting with the oven. Avoiding a jungle of buttons and icons.

Let’s take it one step further. Through sensors, information gathered online, and an understanding of the user’s preferences, the kitchen will suggest adding other ingredients at the right time.

In this case, the user did not request or ask the system what’s next. Instead, the smart kitchen informs or asks the user what to do next based on certain variables.

Research is Always a Key Element of The Process

Continuing with the smart kitchen example. We, as designers, tend to assume that we can produce the best experience. However, designers, like everyone, are biased. We want to improve a product, service, or experience and have our own ideas about how we could do this.

This is why research will always be a crucial element in the design process. We need to explore and validate. Perhaps the want is yet unknown to the customer and the proposed solution may not resonate with the participants during research activities. Yet, the problems mentioned by the testers might trigger inspiration. For example, the user might talk in a different way or don’t lack the right ingredients. These observations and comments will help the designer think of a better and more inclusive solution.

More Focus on The Experience

AI-powered assistants manage to provide a system where designers don’t need to input that much data anymore, and, as a consequence, they can truly focus on creating an innovative experience.

The ChatGPT Revolution and Crypto Controversy

A technology that has the potential to change the internet and beyond. Many believe that crypto can change the web, despite crypto companies employing centralized finance bypassing a central bank, the series of Ponzi schemes, offering a gateway to purchase illegal goods, all while crypto has been crashing for over a year. However, let’s wait and see how crypto will evolve.

However, ChatGPT has to ability to overtake crypto and become the leader of paving the way to Web3. An assistant that literally has the answer to everything. In fact, OpenAI, and not the metaverse, is even believed by Microsoft to be the future.

ChatGTP illustration.

More Than a Chatbot

At this point, the product is fairly new and is primarily being used as a know-it-all chatbot. It should be clarified that the use cases for ChatGPT are endless and should not be confused with merely being a chatbot. It’s the system that powers ChatGPT.

The next step would be to leverage this technology to produce incredible user experiences.

ChatGPT, through the analysis of certain variables, the information it constantly absorbs online, and its increasing understanding of the user, could be the perfect engine for SUIs and take smart technologies to the next level.

Innovation Through Design

The emergence of these technologies has given designers the potential to produce a plethora of new innovative experiences. It will disrupt the field, impact many experiences that take place off-screen, and push designers to create both digital and physical experiences.

The Importance of Voice and Sound

Admittedly, these interfaces still have a long way to go. However, we have the tendency to converse with one another in order to get things done or acquire information. As systems are becoming smarter, we can expect that almost the same type of interaction between smart systems and humans will take place.


Overall, we are evolving from triggered interactions, where we ask and drive the assistant, toward two-way interactions, where the assistant proactively supports the user.

We offer multimodal product design and strategy to deliver experiences that your users will love.



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